The numbers quantifying plastic consumption are almost too massive to comprehend:
Rebecca Gormley

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5 Easy Ways to Cut Back on Single-Use Plastics and Why You Should
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Topics: Sustainability
8 Summer Camp Games to Play to Keep the Camp Spirit Alive
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Have any of you Avid4 Adventure parents or guardians ever wished you could be a fly on the wall (or tree) during some camp antics? Or maybe during the year your kids are begging you to play that one really awesome game they learned at camp, but they can’t quite remember how it works? To help you spark some of that summer camp excitement amidst these winter doldrums here are 8 quick and (fairly) easy games you can play. Many of them present some great leadership, communication, and team building opportunities as well! Have fun, stay safe, and always remember to protect your pebble (keep reading…that will make sense in a minute).
Topics: Games We Play At Camp
Doing Our Part to Make the World a Better Place: Avid4 Adventure Going Green
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Let’s be honest: headlines these days are often less than uplifting. Finding hopeful news articles can feel like an insurmountable chore. But wait! Avid4 brings you this refreshing news update: After off-setting 100% of their carbon emissions from camp vans in 2019, Avid4 Adventure is committed to taking even greater steps toward total carbon neutrality in the future! Avid4 will be offsetting 100% of their carbon emissions in 2020.
Topics: Working for Avid4 Adventure Public Lands Sustainability
Eco-Friendly Gift Ideas: Give a Gift, Help the Earth
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Perhaps it’s the incessant traveler and outdoor nomad in me, but in the last 5 years or so, my desire for more things and extra stuff has all but disappeared. I have always been one to make a gift rather than buy one, but I have also recently become acutely aware of the impact that consumerism has on our increasingly fragile planet. These days I value new experiences, yummy food, the odd meaningful trinket and a reliable sleeping pad. In the spirit of living environmentally connected and being kind to the earth this holiday season, I am sharing a few eco-friendly ways to create personalized, unique, thoughtful gifts that have a very low carbon footprint.
Topics: Tips and Tricks