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February 9, 2021
How to Teach Your Child to Ride a Bike: Fewer Wheels, More Confidence

If you are a parent, you naturally want to see your child succeed. And chances are, if you want to see your child succeed, you might feel like you need to do everything in your power to get them there. In the context of learning how to ride a bicycle, the temptation to lend a physical hand is strong. “I’ll just steady them for a second”, you might think. Or “I can just hold one handlebar, they’re doing most of the work”, you could venture. While working for Avid4 Adventure this past summer I learned a hands-off technique to teach training-wheel-free biking that relies entirely on the power of demonstration, clear communication and patient encouragement and it blew my mind. The steps below provide a tutorial of this biking technique taught at Avid4 Adventure Learn to Bike summer camps (though keep in mind we haven't shared all of our secrets!).

Before you dive in to step 1, you'll want to make sure that your child has their own bike that fits them properly. 

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Topics: Skills Learned at Summer Camp Learn to Bike

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