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April 30, 2018
Mentoring Young Women to Empower the Next Generation of Leaders

How mentoring can help with empowering young women. 

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Topics: summer camp Emotional Intelligence Skills Learned at Summer Camp

April 30, 2018
Building Confidence Through Positive Risk Taking

At Avid4 Adventure, we think teaching kids to take risks is an essential part of helping them grow into self-assured adults. And while we do everything we can to keep them safe, we also empower them to push their limits as they explore the outdoors.

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Topics: summer camp Skills Learned at Summer Camp

April 26, 2018
Summer Camp From a Parent’s Perspective

Inside Avid4 Adventure!

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Topics: summer camp how to choose a summer camp Overnight Camp

April 19, 2018
Avid4 Adventure: Changing Lives One Summer Camp at a Time

My children have participated in Avid4 Adventure’s summer camps for a number of years and now that they’re technology-obsessed teenagers, those adrenaline-charged summers are more relevant—and imperative—than ever.

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Topics: summer camp how to pick the right summer camp Skills Learned at Summer Camp Sleep-away camp

March 8, 2018
The Benefits of Kids Spending Time Outdoors

Have you ever spent a day outside only to come home feeling like a different person? A little energized, a bit more clearheaded, a lot more relaxed? Or watched your kids fall instantly, peacefully to sleep after spending a good long time out in the fresh air and sunshine? Those health benefits of kids spending time outdoors aren't in your imagination. They're backed by real research and proven to affect almost every aspect of our well being, from physical to social to intellectual to emotional, and are for every kid, no matter their background.

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Topics: summer camp Tips and Tricks Colorado Family Adventures California Family Adventures

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