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Rebecca Gormley

Rebecca doesn't have the classic 'grew up spending time outdoors with her family' love story. Sure, she enjoyed running around the yard as a kid, but it wasn't until she took a job as a Deckhand/Educator aboard a 100ft historic sailing vessel that she fell in love with outdoor education. After 10 months on board, having taught a wide range of students and sailed from Boston to the Virgin Islands, she went on to work for Outward Bound where she implemented and developed outdoor middle school science lessons and led sailing expeditions. She then spent a summer tweaking Avid4 Adventure's outdoor cooking curriculum as part of her Masters of Science in Environmental Studies program. During 2019 she designed and built a nature playscape at an environmental center in OH, helped open an outdoor- and culinary-education-focused preschool in OR, and led multi-day sea kayaking excursions in WA. She is currently working in VT, cooking locally-sourced and scratch-made food for the local school's meal system, and drawing on her Avid4 experience to offer an outdoor cooking after school program.

Recent Posts

February 9, 2021
How to Teach Your Child to Ride a Bike: Fewer Wheels, More Confidence

If you are a parent, you naturally want to see your child succeed. And chances are, if you want to see your child succeed, you might feel like you need to do everything in your power to get them there. In the context of learning how to ride a bicycle, the temptation to lend a physical hand is strong. “I’ll just steady them for a second”, you might think. Or “I can just hold one handlebar, they’re doing most of the work”, you could venture. While working for Avid4 Adventure this past summer I learned a hands-off technique to teach training-wheel-free biking that relies entirely on the power of demonstration, clear communication and patient encouragement and it blew my mind. The steps below provide a tutorial of this biking technique taught at Avid4 Adventure Learn to Bike summer camps (though keep in mind we haven't shared all of our secrets!).

Before you dive in to step 1, you'll want to make sure that your child has their own bike that fits them properly. 

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Topics: Skills Learned at Summer Camp Learn to Bike

January 15, 2021
How to Help Kids Battle Wintertime Blues

Long, cold winters can be tough for many people in an average year. With the added sense of isolation and social restrictions, the darker months can feel even more difficult. It’s not uncommon to experience symptoms of depression on a seasonal cycle. When they have limited sunlight, our bodies can simultaneously struggle to produce enough serotonin (the chemical in our brain that regulates our mood), and over-produce melatonin (the chemical that causes drowsiness). These two factors can sometimes result in what is known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Fortunately, there are several effective ways to treat this form of depression. First, let’s make sure we know what symptoms look for.  

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Topics: Tips and Tricks Mental Health

November 16, 2020
Top 10 Reasons to Get an Outdoor Educator or Camp Counselor Summer Job

What an amazing day. We made skillet oatmeal pancakes on the camp stove, topped with warm, spiced berries, ran around the field more times than I could count, practiced the ‘scooting technique’ that is an important step to biking without training wheels, and were collapsed in a heap on the grass, waiting for parents. All but one camper had gone home. Having exhausted my pile of books, one little camper (we’ll call him G) and I were simply watching the world go by. I happened to look up at the sky and noticed that one of the clouds looked exactly like a feather. I pointed it out to G. He agreed—it was a feather. And then I sat with rapt attention as G—who was 4—proceeded to fabricate an extremely intricate story about a superhero who used the tickling powers of feathers to overcome bad guys.

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Topics: Summer Camp Jobs Working for Avid4 Adventure Camp Counselor

November 2, 2020
8 Simple Mindfulness Activities for Kids to Create a Sense of Calm

Practicing the art of mindfulness in times as anxiety-producing as the ones we're enduring right now may just be the key to thriving, rather than simply surviving. But, before we delve into the specifics of how and why that could be the case, you may find yourself wondering “Wait, Rebecca, what even is mindfulness”. Great question; I’m glad you asked.

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Topics: Activities

October 26, 2020
Misadventure on the Water: Opportunities for Growth During Tough Times

Do you have fun when outdoor excursions go perfectly according to plan? Sure you do. But then again…in my experience, somehow the spirit of adventure and opportunities for growth only really enter the scene when conditions are less than idyllic.

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Topics: Adventure Stories

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