Avid4 Adventure Journal

A Director’s Guide: How to Convince Your Parents to Send You to Overnight Camp

Written by Derek Ryder | February 9, 2021

The buzz is all around you and you’re getting the feeling the universe is trying to tell you something. The ski season excitement is slowly winding down and your friends are starting to think about summer. You’ve heard the mention of a family trip here and there, but someone the other day mentioned how pumped they are to go to overnight camp  the endless activities, the sweet traditions, the friends they’re excited to see, the trips they get to go on  and no parents? It caught your ear in the moment but you think, 'There is no way my parents would go for that.'

Listen close.

I’ve been a camp director for over 10 years and I’ve had a lot of practice talking to parents like yours about not only how much fun camp is, but why camp is truly a special place that is actually good for you. It’s true! The amazing community you’ll join, the friends you’ll make that’ll last a lifetime, the adventures you’ll have, the memories you’ll make, and the growth you will experience as a result of all of it  if those reasons aren't good enough, I don’t know what are!



We know how overnight camp is a big leap for you - your first time away from home and the questions that come with it - but it’s an even bigger leap for your parents to let you do something this awesome. They care about you A LOT and letting you go without them isn’t easy. So how do you convince your parents? Here is my advice on the points to hit:


Give Them the Research


There are a number of studies and articles from researchers around the world to the benefits of attending camp. Show them this article or this one to get them started. Plus, have you heard how much screen time kids are watching? Kids average over 7 hours in front of a screen these days and doctors across the board recommend this be cut down drastically. I know Fortnite is awesome, but that doesn’t work with parents. Trust me.



Friends for a Lifetime


Talk to anyone who has been to overnight camp and they'll mention the unique bond with the friends they made there. Many of the friendships I have — people I consider my best friends today — started at overnight camp. I talk to hundreds of former campers, young and old, who all say the same thing.



Making a Better You


We talk about 'education through recreation' — how you will learn about yourself, your limits, and how to push yourself and that can’t be learned in a classroom. The best part of this? We do it all by having as much fun as possible — how awesome is that!




It’s a Vacation for Them Too!


First, your parents love you dearly and we know you love them too. If you’re trying to convince them to send you to overnight camp, turn it on them and tell them about how it will enable them to go on their own adventure while you're away! It’s unlikely that they’ll have nearly as much fun as you will but they’ll be excited to do something fun for themselves as well.


The Power of Community


Belonging to a community like Avid4 Adventure or any other overnight camp is a bond unlike any other. Times have changed since your parents were kids and local communities are harder to come by. Camp offers a blast from the past to the tight-knit communities from back in the day and your parents will understand this value. Be sure to reiterate the points above here to really nail the point home.



Now, I’m trusting you here this is the inside scoop straight from a camp director who does this thing for a living. Stay calm, take deep breaths, be confident and be persistent there is a lot of fun to be had this summer and I want you to be part of the fold. If you need any help convincing your parents or have questions that you think they are going to ask, feel free to reach out anytime at info@avid4.com or call us at 720-249-2412.

Best of luck and see you this summer!


Your Director Insider,

“Derek Ryder”


P.S. If the cost is a concern for your parents, Avid4 Adventure offers payment plans for Overnight Camps in California, Colorado, and Oregon for 1st through 12th graders to help take that worry away! We even offer scholarships for our Overnight Camps in California and Colorado where 25-100% of the cost of camp could be covered.

To learn more about Avid4 Adventure Overnight Camps for 1st-12th graders where kids of all skill and abilities take on new challenges in climbing, backpacking, whitewater rafting, kayaking and more, click the button below.



If your parents have other fears or concerns about sending you to overnight camp, read these articles: