Avid4 Adventure Journal

You Are Not Alone: An Open Letter to Kids During Covid-19

Written by Cassidy Morris | October 15, 2020

Before we begin, Cassidy Morris has been working with Avid4 Adventure since 2018 where she started as a day camp instructor working with kids ages 3 - 13. She has since worked as the Operations Supervisor in Denver, helped with online programs and regularly contributes to our blog. We encourage you to read this letter from Cassidy with your child and use this time as an opportunity to check in with them to see how they are doing.


Hi Friends,


COVID-19 has shaken up all of our lives in one way or another. In particular, it has changed so much of how you go about your day-to-day life as a kid. You may be have had less time with your friends, online school, and trips canceled. In general, the world seems to feel a bit odd during these times. I am here to share some thoughts as I imagine what all of this must be like for you, and deliver a message of hope.


1. It is ok to be upset

Life during a pandemic can be frustrating and scary. You may have had moments in which you've missed sleepovers, family barbeques, and class field trips. That is a totally normal response to a sudden and significant change to your life. As an adult who isn't going through childhood during COVID-19, I can't completely understand how you feel, but I am thinking about you and I care about you. When the hard times come, know that it is ok to feel sad. You’re not alone!



2. Continue to find joy and be a kid

Although the pandemic may have caused you to take on more responsibility, remember to have fun and enjoy your childhood. Think about all of the things you still can do like camping in your backyard, having a virtual game night with your friends, or baking a yummy treat with your family on a rainy day. Childhood is a time for you to get creative with your free time and discover what you enjoy doing most.



3. The outdoors is still there for you

You might be spending more time on a screen due to online learning or socializing, and that is also a normal result of a pandemic. That being said, it might be more important than ever for you to spend time outside. Playing outdoors helps your imagination run wild, gives your brain a chance to take a break and gives your body a chance to move and feel free. During the summer, I noticed kids at camp let themselves be kids again as they laughed and cheered while trying different sports. This does not mean that time on a screen is bad or unhealthy, it’ll just help you feel good mentally and physically if you find a balance of screen and outdoor time.



4. Life won’t be like this forever

Although we don’t know what the future holds, these challenging times will pass. Something I like to do is imagine the trips and activities I’ll be able to do once the world goes back to some kind of normal, like traveling abroad, going to concerts, and giving extra hugs to friends and family. I’d encourage you to share and maybe even write down what you’re excited about for your future self with your friends and family to feel a sense of hope.



I know that my words won’t fix the challenges you’re facing right now, but I hope it helps you feel like you’re not alone and that there are things you can still do to feel happy and healthy. We’re all on a wild adventure that will, in the end, make us stronger and help us appreciate the activities and people in our lives more. We will get through this together!


Stay Well, 



Now take a deep breath... These are difficult times for parents and children alike. For more resources to help during the pandemic, visit the links below.

  1. COVID-19 Resources for Parents
  2. 9 Ways to Improve Children's Mental Health
  3. CDC COVID-19 Parental Resources Kit
  4. Child Mind Institute COVID-19 Family Resources